New Service Request

Welcome to the Porum PWA Community. We look forward to serving your water needs.  Please find the category below that suits your needs and follow the instructions for your category.  Applicable forms are below.  Completed forms will need to be mailed to our office at PO Box 69, Porum, OK  74455 , dropped off in person or in our dropbox at our office at 105 S. Arkansas, Porum, OK  74455., faxed to 918-484-2265, or scanned and returned by email to topclerk1@gmail.comPlease call our office at 918-484-5125 if you have any questions, and we will be happy to assist you.


Change of Ownership/Transfer of Service-Property has active, existing service

Please complete the Application for Service and the Collection/Cut Off Form.  These signed, completed forms need returned to our office with your applicable deposit ($125 Property Owners/$175 Renters) and a $35 Set-up fee.  If you are interested in monthly payments by bank draft, complete and return the Electronic Payment Form, as well.  We must also hear from the current owner for final disposition of their account.

Change of Ownership/Transfer of Service-Property has had prior service, but has been inactive for 90 days or longer

Please complete the Application for Service and the Collection/Cut Off Form.  These signed, completed forms need returned to our office with the Membership Renewal Fee of $500.  If you are interested in monthly payments by bank draft, complete and return the Electronic Payment Form, as well.  This fee applies to all meters that have not been in service during the prior 90 days.

New Memberships-Property has never had a water meter

Please complete the Application for Service, the Collection/Cut Off Form, and the Service Agreement. These signed, completed forms need to be returned to our office with your membership fee of $1500. Sewer membership within Town limits is an additional $500 fee. State regulations require that we have a septic inspection approved and signed by the Dept. of Environmental Quality before we can install a meter.  If you will be needing water for construction purposes prior to having your septic system installed, we can operate under a construction tap agreement.  These are handled on a case by case basis and must be approved by our superintendent.  If this is the case, please complete and return the Construction Tap Form. If you are interested in monthly payments by bank draft, complete and return the Electronic Payment Form, as well.

Deposits are refundable when service is discontinued.  Fees of any kind are not refundable.